Monday, October 29, 2012

The Harvest

When He saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." -Matthew 9:36-38

God is at work here in Northern Iowa. Pray for more laborers to go into the harvest field!

September 3rd, 2012

I've had one of those evenings of mulling-over and reflection. I'm home for a bit, and in the quiet of my first non-student fall since the age of 2, I've taken on a number of small projects. I started cleaning out one of our sheds a couple of days ago. It's an old farm shed full of storage-worthy items---everything from our childhood trikes to my great-grandmother's dining room table and chairs. It's a treasure-trove of what my mom would accurately term "treasures," but it was also quite dirty and disorganized.

I was about 3/4 through the 'pulling out' of stuff into the adjoining pasture stage of the organization process when Mom came home from work. I knew she'd be stressed/slightly overwhelmed by the very in-progress appearance of my little project, and really who could blame her?

Her very natural reaction took me back to the same childhood feelings of wanting to see something through to completion before revealing it to my approving parents. I'm sure I uttered the words, "Don't look yet; it's not done!" at least a million times during my childhood. There's something about revealing a perfected project for admiration that's just so satisfying.

This evening's musings led me to make a connection between my simple desires for a polished finished product and the way I often find myself relating to God and other people. The truth is, I like to have it all figured out. The messy, creative process isn't my particular favorite, at least not for the general public's viewing. Problematic, when you're living in community, and even more problematic when you're trying to be honest with God.

You see, sometimes, even though I know, mentally, that the Father welcomes me in all my disorder, I find myself shrinking away, afraid of His reaction to my un-organized heart and life. Sometimes I'm afraid of Him because I'm all too aware of my own brokenness. I say to Him, "Don't look yet! I'm not done!"

But, the blessed reality of it is, God loves me in my messes. He looks on the squalor of my sin and confusion, and He rolls up His sleeves. He isn't at all overwhelmed by my disasters. He delights to glorify Himself in the putting-back-together-process.

He is the God of my disasters. And I am often a mess, a work in progress in the hands of my Healer.

And you, friend, so are you.

August 20th, 2012

You know the really-great God-peace that feels like every kind of comfort food, only for the soul?

I've had a wonderful dose of it this evening as the result of a fresh recognition of His Lordship over my life. It's not hard for me to realize that He's in control, but sometimes I'm quick to forget that my life is not about me. It's astounding how quick I am to try and build my own kingdom or to choose comfort over holiness and the uncomfortable stretching process that precedes it.

I am much slower to choose the road less-traveled or to opt for what I know will be a difficult road.

The God-comfort that filled me up on the inside this evening came as I tore down those foundations of my own kingdom. No matter how spectacular they might seem in my mind's eye, they're not worth anything if they're built for my glory and happiness instead of His.

There's joy and freedom in following the Leader, friend. I think it's very much like dancing. Jesus knows the steps, and I do not. The dance only works, and is only joyful, when I recognize that He must lead. (I must learn to follow closely!)

He knows my way, and my highest good is to give Him glory with my life, however He asks me to. There's such richness of freedom in that.


It's been awhile since I've been here, but never fear, I've been writing away (just on paper instead of with keys!).