Monday, October 29, 2012

August 20th, 2012

You know the really-great God-peace that feels like every kind of comfort food, only for the soul?

I've had a wonderful dose of it this evening as the result of a fresh recognition of His Lordship over my life. It's not hard for me to realize that He's in control, but sometimes I'm quick to forget that my life is not about me. It's astounding how quick I am to try and build my own kingdom or to choose comfort over holiness and the uncomfortable stretching process that precedes it.

I am much slower to choose the road less-traveled or to opt for what I know will be a difficult road.

The God-comfort that filled me up on the inside this evening came as I tore down those foundations of my own kingdom. No matter how spectacular they might seem in my mind's eye, they're not worth anything if they're built for my glory and happiness instead of His.

There's joy and freedom in following the Leader, friend. I think it's very much like dancing. Jesus knows the steps, and I do not. The dance only works, and is only joyful, when I recognize that He must lead. (I must learn to follow closely!)

He knows my way, and my highest good is to give Him glory with my life, however He asks me to. There's such richness of freedom in that.

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